Extra Bond – Old Fashioned Milk Paint


add to the first coat of milk paint when using on non porous surfaces, or previously painted/varnish/shellac etc. 

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Extra Bond  is a water based polymer emulsion. Add to Old Fashioned Milk Paint to give great adhesion to non porous surfaces, and previously finished pieces. Extra Bond may or may not be necessary. A mock-up with the substrate and milk should be done prior. Add to the first coat of Milk Paint. Wait 24 hours before applying the second coat of Milk Paint. Re-coating sooner may re-activate the bond from the 1st coat, and cause the 1st coat to lift. For furniture with a high sheen, “fake” wood, or lacquer finish, lightly sand to create a key.

Be sure to follow the instructions to avoid making a clumpy mess! This is a 2:1 ratio of 2 parts paint to 1 part Extra Bond. For surfaces that need more adhesion, use a  1:1. Mock-ups are a must! 

To Use:

  1. Mix your milk paint slightly thicker according to the directions. 
  2. Mix in the extra bond. 
  3. If it is too thick after adding the bond, thin with water. The Milk Paint consistency should be the same whether the Extra Bond is added or not. 

Begin with a clean, sound substrate. Use at temperatures 60 degrees and above. Milk Paint with the bond added will only last a few hours before it starts to gel. Only mix up what you think you’ll need for the first coat. 

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

1 Quart, 1 Gallon


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