Foamed Glass Aggregate



Foamed Glass Aggregate Ultra Lightweight G-15-B

The use of Aero Aggregates Foamed Glass, diverts 140 million glass bottles a year from landfills! Use under slabs, and as light weight fill for retaining walls.

  • Rodent Resistant
  • Frost Proof
  • Excellent drainage properties
  • Stable
  • Non-Flammable
  • Durable
  • Safe

Use Foamed Glass Aggregate for underneath limecrete floors. Providing an insulative R-Value of over 20 at 12 inches thick! While not trapping moisture, which is imperative for any homes built with lime mortar.

Sold in approx. 1500# pound, 7 foot tall, super sack. Each super sack holds 3.4 yds³. Call or text to order, the website does not calculate freight. 

Call for bulk pricing.

Aero Aggregates Brochure