Installing Lime Finish Plaster

Installing custom tinted lime finish plaster over a hemp lime basecoat. The still photo before the video shows the dried finished topcoat. A big color difference! It's always a good idea to do a mock-up beforehand to be sure you have the right color.

How Much Water Does an Old Brick Hold?

Ever wonder how much water is in your damp or wet brick wall?   This important video shows how quickly water will wick up an old brick and calculates how much water each old brick can potentially hold.

How to "Knock Up" Lime Putty Mortar

This video shows how our High Calcium Lime Putty Mortar Mix needs to be "pounded" or "knocked up" before use, in order to achieve a workable consistency.

What Causes Mortar to Fail and Powder?

What causes mortar that has been intact for hundreds of years to suddenly turn to sand? This video demonstrates a case study of this very event, the cause, and the solution.

Salt, Sealers and Brick

In this video we'll take a look at a church built in the 1970's or 1980's. This church is built with "modern" hard bricks. De icing salts, and sealers have caused extensive damage that have necessitated ongoing repairs. To read more about this common problem check out this article "Salt and Historic Masonry".

Jim and Jeannie Homeowners

contacted Lancaster Lime Works when they noticed failing bricks, moisture, and salt issues in their home. After a site visit, the cause of the damage was identified and they successfully re-pointed large sections of their own home. Thus, eliminating further damage.

Sims Architects Inc.

Joel Sims and his mason contacted Lancaster Lime Works in 2016 for masonry restoration on a historic brick building that Joel owns. Both Joel and his mason have gone through extensive training at Lancaster Lime Works and have used our products on their personal and  customer's projects.