Plastrum Lime Plaster Basecoat is our premium natural lime plaster for use over our Plastrum Lime Primer and under our Plastrum Lime Plaster. Use over drywall, blueboard, cement board, painted surfaces and even foam board! Interior and exterior use. Meeting the need for 100% natural lime plaster over modern materials.
Plastrum Lime Plaster Basecoat is made using the same high pH, high calcium, carbonating, aged lime putty that we are known for. It contains the addition of our proprietary earth-based binder to enhance adhesion over modern surfaces. Always perform mockups before tackling your main project!
Installation Hints:
- Apply directly over the Plastrum Lime Primer.
- If needed and after a coat of Plastrum Lime Primer, the Plastrum Lime Plaster Basecoat can be used to flatten uneven surfaces. Correct any unevenness of the wall before applying the last coat.
- Cover and mask surfaces. Wear proper gloves, safety glasses and any other personal protective equipment to avoid contact.
- Pour off the water on top, mix and knock-up the plaster well before using. Mixing time will vary depending on the workability desired for the project. Add water to achieve certain finishes and workability.
- Apply to dry primed impervious surfaces. If applying to pervious surfaces (ie.cinderblock) slightly dampened before installation.
- Apply using a stainless steel stucco trowel. Basecoat does not need to be covered with the finish coat, and can achieve many different types of finishes. Practice mockups before tackling the entire project. The practice mockups will ensure the installer has experience for the type of finish desired. Slow or stop the setting of Plastrum Lime Plaster Basecoat by misting the wall. Work to the desired finish.
Set time will vary depending on temperatures and humidity levels.
Installation Instructions
Tech Data Sheets
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