
Here is a Profile of Construction Projects we have worked on using our Lime Products which we are very proud of.

Eisenhower Executive Office Building   Eisenhower_Executive_Office_Building2

Eisenhower Executive Office Building (Washinington, DC. 1888) - Did a Limecrete (Blend of lime and concrete) on sub-floor repairs to modulate moisture in the building under relaid historic parquetry floors.

James Brice House   James_Brice_House2

James Brice House (Annapolis, Md. 1760) - Significant masonry repairs were done and repointing throughout project, as well as lime plastering and limewashing of the interior of both wings.

Sidney_Yates_Federal_Auditor's_Bldg   Sidney_Yates_Federal_Auditor's_Bldg-turret

Sidney Yates/Auditors Building (Washington, DC. 1878) - Major structural repairs to tower,
building corners and projecting bands after long period of neglect, followed by significant repointing to 14th St. elevation.

Rising Sun Inn

Rising Sun Inn (Millersville, Md. 1753) Major foundation repairs, chimneys, and plaster repair.

Hammond Harwood House   hammond-harwood-house2

Hammond Harwood House (Annapolis, Md. 1774) - This was a major rebuilding and repairs done to south west rear on the wing of this historic building.

Saint_Elizabeths_historic-imageSt-Elizabeths   Saint_Elizabeths_Center_building

St. Elizabeth’s Hospital Complex (Washington, DC. 1855) - Reconstruction of collapsed sections and repointing of significant portions of the perimeter wall around the former sanatorium, now home to the new headquarters of Homeland Security.


Menokin (Warsaw, Va. 1769) - Deep grouting and structural stabilization to vaults, foundation walls and chimneys.

Hancock’s Resolution   Hancock's_Resolution 2

Hancock’s Resolution Complex (Pasadena, Md. 1825) - Plaster repairs to main structure and limewashing of main structure and outbuildings.

Patrick_Creagh_House2   Patrick_Creagh_House

Patrick Creagh House (Annapolis, Md. 1735) - Masonry repairs and limewashing patination (removing of Patina) on exterior of building.

Old_Treasury_Building   Old_Treasury_Building2

Old Treasury Building (Annapolis, Md. 1735) - Masonry repairs and repointing.

Ridout_Row1   Ridout_Row2

Ridout Row (Annapolis, Md. 1774) - Jack arch realignments and other masonry stabilization to rear elevation.

Falling_Green_house   Falling_Green_house-sketch

Falling Green (Olney, Md. 1770s) Chimney reconstruction, major foundation repairs, and repointing.

Darnall's_Chance2   Darnall's_Chance

Darnall’s Chance Burial Vault (Upper Marlboro, Md. before 1788) Reconstruction of the vaulted brick ceiling of the crypt.

Battersea (Petersburg, Va. 1768) - Matching historic stucco for repairs.

Rappahannock Christian Church (Dunnsville, Va, 1861) - Repointing

Wyck House (Philadelphia, Pa. 1736; 1824) - Limited stucco repairs

National Building Museum (Washington, DC. 1887) - Repointing with matching red mortar

Winder Building (Washington, DC. 1848) - Stucco repair and limewashing

Josephus Hall House (Salisbury, NC 1720s) - Stabilization of bowing chimneys