H-1 Binder


100% Natural! Contains no cements, NHL’s, polymers, etc.


Mix the 100 % Natural H-1 Binder with Hemp Hurd to make Hemp Blocks and Hemp Shuttering. Use the H-1 Binder with sand for Mortar and Stucco/Plaster coats. Add clean water and mix to make Limewash. The high pH of the Lime prevents mold, mildew, and biological growth while the hemp is drying. It is fire and insect resistant. 

100 % Natural – Contains no cements, NHL’s, polymers, latex, plant based binders, etc.  

For Mortar:

Mix the H-1 Binder (50 pounds) with 325 pounds of Lancaster Sand and clean, non-chlorinated water. Expected yield is: 300 ft². Install the mortar as per Lancaster Lime Works Lime Putty Mortar Installation Guide for Pointing and Bedding Mortars found here. If not used immediately, cover, and use within 3 days. 

For Stucco/Plaster Basecoat:

Mix the H-1 Binder (50 pounds) with 325 pounds of Lancaster Sand and clean, non-chlorinated water. Install the plaster as per instructions for Lime Putty Plaster found here.  Expected yield is 90-100 ft² at 3/8″ thick. If not used immediately, cover, and use within 3 days. 

For Plaster Finish Coat:

Mix the H-1 Binder (50 pounds) with 150 pounds of Fine Marble Dust and clean, non-chlorinated water. Expected yield is 400 ft² at a credit card or less thickness. Install the Plaster Finish Coat as per Lancaster Lime Works Lime Putty Plaster Installation Guide found here. If not used immediately, cover, and use within 3 days. 

For Hemp:

Combine 1 bag of H-1 Binder with 33 pounds of loose high quality hemp shiv in a large tub, immediately add 10-11 gallons of clean water. Mix thoroughly. Depending on temperatures and humidity the hemp binder mix may dry more and more water should be added. The mix should hold together in a baseball shape when squeezed. Expected Yield is 4.5 ft³ of hempcrete.  For more information see the H-1 Binder label below. If not used immediately, cover, and use within 3 days. 


Caustic! Always wear eye and skin protection when handling. Wear appropriate safety gear and minimize contact with exposed skin. For protection from accidental ingestion or inhalation, wear a dust mask. Always keep white vinegar on site to neutralize lime upon contact with skin. 

H-1 Binder Label

Tech Data Sheet



Additional information

Weight 50 lbs
Dimensions 15 × 23 × 5 in

25 Pound Bag, 50 Pound Bag


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