Plaster Magic

is a perfect for large sections of loose plaster that need to be reattached. Plaster keys can loosen over time for a variety of reasons. Earthquakes, new traffic patterns creating vibrations, and years of children running through the house can loosen the keys. We recommend adhering loose plaster back to the lath rather than tearing all the loose plaster out and replacing it.  It is less time consuming, makes less of a mess, is less wasteful, and costs less to repair loose plaster. Plaster Magic is quick and clean and makes a strong bond. Naturally, if your plaster has loosened and/or cracked due to an underlying structural issue, Plaster Magic is not the solution. 

Showing all 7 results

  • Plaster Magic Homeowner's PackPlaster Magic Homeowner's Pack

    Plaster Magic Homeowner’s Pack

    is a smaller repair kit for most small plaster crack repairs.

  • Plaster Magic Painter's Pack

    Plaster Magic Painter’s Pack

    is a medium size repair kit for plaster crack repairs. 

  • Plaster Magic Contractor's Pack

    Plaster Magic Contractor’s Pack

    is perfect for the contractor or DIY’s larger repair project. 

  • Contractor's Patching Plaster

    Contractor’s Patching Plaster

    is perfect for small plaster repairs. Specially formulated for old horse hair plaster on lathe. 

  • Single Adhesive Cartridge

    Single Adhesive Cartridge

    is perfect when you need just a little extra material. Use in combination with the conditioner.

  • Plaster Magic Conditioner

    Plaster Magic Conditioner

    need a bit more conditioner to finish the job? 

  • Red Clamps

    Plaster Magic Clamps

    a bag of 100 extra clamps.
