Sand & Inclusions
Customize your mortar using our sand and inclusions.
At Lancaster Lime Works, we have a saying, “Sand is not sand, is not sand!”
The correct sand for lime putty and NHL mortars is critical to avoid failures. We offer a wide variety of sand and inclusions for lime mortars. Lime Mortars get much of their strength from the sand. We offer sharp sand for NHL and lime putty mortars that have the correct bell curve and particle sizes. We have fine sands for lime plaster and butter joint mortars. Contact us today with any questions on our aggregates!
Showing all 12 results
Ultra Fine Lancaster Sand
$16.50 – $25.00replaces the missing fines in commercially processed sands.
$20.00 – $50.00is a natural clay that when mixed with Lime Putty Mortar makes it hydraulic. Add pozzolan to mortar in areas of high exposure ie: chimneys and below grade applications.
Lancaster Sand – 50 Pounds
$10.00 – $13.50when mixed with Lime Putty or NHL will make a tan colored mortar.
Ultra Fine Gray Sand
$16.50 – $25.00replaces the missing fines in commercially processed sands.
Sand for NHL – 50 Pounds
$10.00 – $13.50when mixed with NHL will make a white gray mortar.
Coarse Black Slag
$10.00 – $52.00add to Lime Putty Mortar, or NHL, to match or create a new unique product or finish!
Wood Ash
$30.00 – $95.00can be used as a historic mortar colorant.
Dry Lime Blebs
$12.50 – $249.00are natural inclusions in historic mortar. Add Dry Lime Blebs to Lime Putty Mortar to match existing mortar inclusions.